What Is Genetic / DNA Testing?

Benefits Of Doing A Genetic / DNA Test
Genetic testing plays a vital role in medical screening purposes, determining the risk of developing certain diseases as well as medical treatment. Different types of genetic testing are done for different reasons:
1) Diagnostic Testing

 2) Predictive Testing

3) Carrier Testing

If you have a family history of a genetic disorder — such as sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis, you may choose to get a genetic test done before having children. A carrier screening test can detect genes associated with a wide variety of genetic diseases and mutations and can identify if you and your partner are carriers for the same conditions.

Luxxo DNA testing enables you to take charge of your health status. It is true that we cannot change our genes, but we now realised that through understanding our genetic makeup, we can make informed decisions on our external factors such as our dietary and lifestyle choices in order to switch off the bad genes and switch on the good ones.
Categories of Test Reports Available in Luxxo DNA Test: